Dialogue starts with you
We’re beginning a dialogue. All around the country, students, thought leaders, and their communities are discussing constructive approaches to living together in a society of difference, where every voice is heard.
Especially when societal values like non-discrimination or child welfare interact with faith, many see friction and no solutions. Today’s tense public discourse drives young people away from even exploring how best to live together.
We have a better way: talking to each other.
Host a Dialogue & Give Students at Your Institution the Chance to Participate
University and college students at partnering host institutions can write a 500-word essay on tolerance for a chance to win a $750 USD Tolerance Scholarship. Two winning essayists from each host institution will take center stage at the Tolerance Means Dialogue and present alongside the experts who act as catalysts for the Dialogue.
Scholarship-Winning Essays
Explore the collection of scholarship-winning essays authored by students from around the globe, each a remarkable testament to the power of dialogue and personal perspective. What distinguishes these essays is their ability to delve into shared experiences to foster understanding and tolerance on key issues we face daily.